Hello, I'd like to introduce myself.
photo cred: alice keeney for Lululemon
Beth Auden Cosi, it wasn't the name given to me at birth. My adopted parents named me Elizabeth (Beth) Ann Williams. I changed my name to Beth Auden Cosi during my divorce in 2009. I have personal reasons why "Auden" and "Cosi" but mostly because it pleased me so much. I chose my name and it felt right..
It was the start of a whole new way of being- fully myself.
Moving, working, movement:
Spring, I moved my very young family, Paloma and Highland, to Park Circle, from our home in Meggett- a big yellow house on 3 acres we had built and loved. It was very hard on them. Park Circle was affordable, with big yards, reminded me of my hometown (midtown memphis) and was close to my new 2d job at EVO Pizza. And we've lived in this neighborhood ever since. I had been working at Community Montessori as a TA where my children were in Primary and Lower El classrooms. During the divorce, I added catering on the weekends my kids were gone and hustled craft beers and pizza, weeknights at EVO. September of 2009 I did something for ME- i enrolled in a Yoga Teacher Training program at Blue Turtle. I had no designs to become a teacher outside the montessori classroom; I had no idea how it would change the trajectory of my life forever. I was one of two teachers chosen from our graduating class to teach the Sunday Community class downtown on Wentworth--for free. I was SO honored and scared as shit!! Soon, I began subbing 6am classes and eventually, the lunch hours, after-work hour and Saturday morning Hot Vinyasa in Mt Pleasant. Class sizes were 10-40. My teaching schedule was filling up- I was learning from my students and the incredible diverse talent of tenured teachers at Blue Turtle- truly some of the BEST teachers Charleston has ever seen. I was in a very sweet spot as a new and dedicated teacher and student. I had stopped working at the school and slowly began to build my teaching business. I didn't force or make big plans or vision boards. I just taught and took and taught. I was steady and slow.
{One of the biggest mistakes I see new Yoga teachers making is not allowing their teacher's practice and vibe to take shape organically. The Universe WILL PROVIDE--the students, the style, the right path and the opportunities will come...with TIME and PRACTICE.}
An entrepreneur is born:
My family, my mantra:
BOOM! 2020
I see you.
Let's get on the mat together! New classes are scheduled both online & in-person!