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Be Calm; Get Grounded: a Holiday Season Practice

Updated: Jun 11, 2022

Being at ease, embracing stress and staying healthy is easier than you think - even during the hectic, topsy-turvy holiday season. I'll show you how to do LESS and enjoy MORE just by sticking to a simple daily, a Yoga sequence to immediately ground you!

The season is changing. Summer, and its outdoor revelry and "burn" of energy, has shifted into the "letting go" and dismantling of Autumn and soon, Winter. Winter season is full of celebrations and travel, deadlines and anticipations of year-end; but what our bodies, our Be-ings, really crave and need is quiet and restorative practices, naps and simple pleasures.

The more that you can adhere to these principles in moving, eating (digesting) and day-to day being, the better you'll feel now and come Spring.

Here are some tips and tricks to stay calm and get grounded that always work for me:

  1. Peel away that evening run-club you began in the Summer and the weekday night-out, let go the after supper Netflix long-session. Replace with a less active or stirring activity, like reading, a puzzle or a slow walk through the neighborhood at dusk-no earbuds!

  2. Eat a little earlier and choose those comfort foods! Get your veggies and load up on those greens of course! But enjoy more carbs and more easily digested foods like soups and sweet potato dishes, lentils, pasta with lots of antioxidant-rich garlic!

  3. Make a short list for the day--be realistic, prioritize and include self-care, even if it's a few moments to stretch or sit outside or nap. (And don't give yourself a hard time if you don't mark everything off the list! Tomorrow is another day..leave some space to complete yesterdays task that didn't get done. It's OK)

TIP- As the nights come early and the days shorter....LET IT BE. You are not going to get as much done as FAST. And, you will get what needs to be done but maybe in a broader window--so enjoy the wide-angle view and BREATHE!


Here's a simple Yoga sequence to support you my dear one.

It is 15 minutes and the focus is on neck and shoulders and easing stress. :)

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